Friday 17 January 2014


Work, Energy, Power

• When a force causes a body to move through a distance,

 energy is transferred, and work is done.

work done = force × distance moved in direction of force

     (joule, J) (newton, N) (metre, m)

• Work done against frictional forces is mainly changed into heat.

• Squashed materials have elastic potential energy stored in them.

• The kinetic energy of a body depends on its mass and its speed.

      kinetic energy = ½  x  mass  x  v2

(joule, J) (kilogram, kg) (metre/second)2 , (m/s)2 )

• Gravitational Potential Energy GPE depends on height and weight:

    GPE  =  weight  x  height  ,   GPE  =  m g h

   (Joule J,  Newtons N,  metres m)

•  Power  =  work done /  time taken

     P = Work / t   or  Energy / t ,  units are Watts


• momentum = mass X velocity

(kilogram metre/second, kg m/s) (kilogram, kg) ( m/s)

• Momentum has both size and direction.

• When a force acts on a body a change in momentum occurs.

• Momentum is conserved in any collision/explosion,

provided no external forces act

  • force = change in momentum / time taken for change

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